Benefits for Patients
Why is Reliance good for me and my doctor?
Reliance is:
- Patient-centered: Your doctors can provide better health care to you and prevent treatment errors when they send and receive necessary health information. Reliance puts you at the center of your care. That means the information your doctor needs to treat you is available at your visit. If your doctors participate in Reliance, they can securely send needed health information directly to the other providers caring for you. This also saves you from repeating medical tests.
- Secure and trusted information sharing: Only the people who need to know your health information can view it—your doctor decides what information other providers need to know in order to care for you. He/she can send that information to your other providers in a secure way. That means that he/she no longer has to rely on fax machines or phone calls that can allow your information to be viewed by people other than those caring for you. Reliance is safe and secure and helps your doctor protect your health information.
- Community-driven: Reliance was created by doctors, hospitals and public health agencies interested in improving the health care patients receive by connecting the region’s health care providers for more timely, efficient, and patient-centered health care services.
- Provider-led collaboration: Doctors sit on Reliance’s Board of Directors and they are involved in making decisions about how the system works so that your information is protected, while they are able to get the information they need to care for you. Reliance makes important health information more available to your doctors so they can focus more on giving you the best care.
- Better health: When doctors can quickly and securely communicate with one another about your health information, they can give you the care you need when and where you need it. That means you can be treated more quickly and with the best results because Reliance takes the guess work out of your health care.
- Greater value: When your doctors have immediate access to your health information through Reliance, you won’t have to spend time and money repeating medical tests and taking medicines you don’t need. Reliance can help your doctor help you manage your health concerns, keeping you healthy and out of the hospital.