Reliance continues to work with the US Veteran’s Administration (VA) to build connectivity through the eHealth Exchange on a patient search function. The eHealth Exchange allows secure sharing of health information between VA and non-VA health care providers.
Expected to be live in the coming months, the function will give users the option to query the VA for a care summary on their patients who also receive care from VA health care facilities.
Reach out to your veteran patients and help them prepare in advance for this improved functionality:
- To share information between Reliance and the VA, your patient must register with the VA Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) and give authorization by completing the VLER Health Authorization form.
- To register, direct your patient to so they can sign up via their eBenefits account.
- For those patients who do not have an eBenefits account, VA Form 10-0485 is available online at Encourage your veteran patient to return the completed VA authorization and verification form to their VA health care facility’s Release of Information Office. They can also call the toll-free VLER Health Information Line at 1-877-771-VLER (8537) for mailing instructions or for more information about sharing their health information.
When your VA patient participates in VLER you will be able to access your patients VA health information using Reliance in near real time — instead of days or weeks — enabling you to quickly make informed decisions that result in better care for veterans.
Stay tuned! Reliance will provide training webinars and user guides for accessing VA data in the coming months.