Maximizing your reimbursement for Medicare through the Quality Payment Program (QPP), Medicaid via CCO metrics and meaningful use, and other payor and provider-based accountable care models means participating in health information exchange supported activities (i.e., having an interoperable EHR) and getting the most of your patient information.  Marrying your patient records with community-wide data from hospitals, other physicians and allied services as well as claims from payors means more robust and complete reporting for which to care for patients individually as populations with common diagnoses and social implications.  Furthermore, using Reliance’s robust HIE tools can help to satisfy many of your Stage 3 MU and QPP Advancing Care Information requirements.

Reliance Insight is our new service that helps you enhance your patient information for more robust, normalized and standardized clinical quality reporting.  Get the best reimbursement rates in a value-based care system by interfacing your EHR with Reliance Insight. Learn more about Reliance insight by contacting us at or calling (855) 290-5443.